Chocolates and Sweets
Sunday, September 26, 2010 @ 8:54 PM
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if you can't see the photo click here
isn't it chocolatey super sweet!
the person who made this requested that i didn't blog about this. but i couldn't control myself. hee :D
but.. i think when you guys see this a name will probably pop into your mind instantly yeah? HAHA BOTH OF THEM ARE SO CUTE ♥ teehee
yeah that's about it. nothing else to say:)
wow so long
Thursday, September 23, 2010 @ 10:48 PM
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never update le.
haha sorry. wow got so many letters to write leh:( nvm jiayou me!
haha chem paper was easy!
everyone's mugging for eoys like crazy!
i didn't know it's starting in 3 weeks!
i can't wait for eoys!
i don't want dec holidays to come!
cca was epic today. made a new song for sec ones nypipa:D epic!
and i think the class is really getting into the jurong spirit. haha but other places in singapore are good too yeah? :)
level outing at sentosa! sounds good to me!! sentosa is fun. somemore they are having it on the last day of school yay!
plus we did well for lalaland assignment! yay! it was retarded though. haha wasted lots of time taking 200 + photos :D hehe but in the end was a success yay!
my com couldn't start for 2 days. seeee it proves that i am pro enough to not use it:D as in not use internet or anything else xD
and oh yeah, ziling said loud and clear today, practically screaming: AHMA WILL YOU BE JEALOUS COS I LOVE TINA WANG! priceless eh?
haha we played london bridge and father abraham today during recess! LA CARTWHEEL IS FUN COS YOU SLACK TOO MUCH! lol seriously can't wait for eoys sia :)
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
erm... i wish i could meet VIOLA! yeah i just found her on fb recently :D its really cool cos she was one of by besties during kindergarten! haha wonder how she is now! and i really miss angel and adeline you know. (other best friends in kindergarten!) see i can remember my friends well :)
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
amelia :X you know like i still call ppl like shiying and chloe and lauren and chat for like 2-3 hours but never really catch up with amelia leh:( miss ij!
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
i wish i can talk to sang nila utama:D cos he found singapore, also meaning he found jurong! now we have such a fantastic jurong because of him! xD
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
well, no one leh! cos you know we gossip a lot about lots of ppl in class but .. actually i okay okay with them lar hor? oh oh you know han wudi? he's quite nice but .. i don't exactly hate him or whatever, its just that he could have just done without the exams part.
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
hello angeline, super sorry okay? rmb what we talked about during lunch today? haha erm.. awkward yeah? but i promise with my pinkies and toe pinkies that i won't do it again:D yeah you are a really good friend :) ily! (:
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
well, chantel?? haha cos we not sitting together again. but we still quite close lar :D and nicole... haha i'm glad you've changed :)
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
6 PEACE 09! esp mrs mok, and WU LAOSHI. yayyyyy you two very funny :D bye i will come visit you two to get my childrens day present okay? xD
There's no pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Thursday, September 16, 2010 @ 9:41 PM
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at least for this one! haha there is no end to this rainbow! it's a circle! :D awesome right!!

look this has a SILVER LINING on its cloud!

yeah i suddenly love the sun! like the warmth of it is GREAT. the feeling is FANTASTIC! haha:)
we were playing badminton today! hehe my skills finally improved :D
then had the psl interview ! a little scary :X but overall, still okay lar! anyway i don't really want to be a psl. like.. just try try lor. I THINK IT'S FUN! and you know they super high and hyper and enthu! then they cheer cheer cheer i feel like jumping hahaha xD so fail then fail lor, won't die one lar xD
lala celebrated yunni's birthday today ^-^ it was fun! but then got this random sec 2 senior started scolding us :( then the sec 4s and sec 3s became super pissed. then they went to retort and kinda quarelled. then sh and me were super awkward and freaked out. cos you should never ever offend any senior. learnt that lesson from the 410 incident D:
then talk talk talk all the way home. YAY! fun fun fun!! xD
Day 8-Your Favourite Internet Friend
teehee i don't meet ppl on the internet! they are scary:( not like jing hor. give her number to ANYONE ANYHOW. tsk tsk tsk later they perv then you know ah :D so i guess my fav internet friend is blogger and fb xD
Monday, September 13, 2010 @ 6:23 PM
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HAHAH wts jingwen i love your english. your pronunciation is (Y) and your spelling is best in johor and kualar lumpur. very good very good. who teach one?!
lol today was fun shit! YAYYYYYEEE US. ok start with LA:
haha actually i feel guilty for not listening to ms heng ALWAYS. but LA is fun! haha maybe only today. anyway, we used my whoe stack of post-its ! :D lol we wrote stupid stuff like: I AM A DUCK QUACKK! and I LOVE... hahaha and MY NUMBER IS ... heeeee:)and then we.. STUCK THEM ONTO JINGWEN'S BACK! YAY US! haha
during CCT, we were gaying around. haha then we had to do this stupid survey which has 92 QUESTIONS and we have to SHADE all of them. so i never even read the question then shade all AGREE xD faster ma. and waste my energy sia.
we drew animals on our hands! like the the skin between thumb and second finger. so the joint is the mouth and can open and close. I AM THE WHALE! there is crocodile, invisible fish, duck, small fish, big fish, medium fish, pufferfish, and lots of retarded stuff. haha and we realised it was the BEST WAY to teach pri sch kids about the food chain. LOL FUN SHIT xD
after school, went kap! on official duty! haha we got BREAD FRESH FROM THE OVEN for our home econs project. hehe and some strange ladies came up to us and tell us some weird stuff. lol HEH HEH HEH. then we help angeline get ALL their sandwich make stuff. haha see my group and claudia so nice hor, help her locate so many stuff. you know their sandwich is like WOW haha good luck guys:D
and when we were eating macs, there was too many french fries and no one wanted to finish. so we played scissors paper stone and then loser must eat 3. but it took forever so we just threw them away. xD
teeeheeee actually first day of term 4 not that bad leh! quite fun right! xD haha not bad not bad.
oh oh oh plus now tina is pervert no. 3.5. hahaha! you know their pervert test is PRACTICAL?! urgh dun wanna think about it. somemore is bobblehead CONDUCT one leh! bleah :P
tmr got spa. yeah and i am scared.
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
WOW this is easy xD cos i never got into ANY relationship before! haha so innocent and pure right! and as for ex-crushes, i not so flirt lar so dun have any. teehee xD
Friday, September 10, 2010 @ 11:48 PM
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HAHAHA I THINK MY NAME IS SUPER COOL!! i looked up the meanings!!! you guys should too hahahaha :D
Sabrina is linked to the River Severn in England, either through being the Goddess of the Severn, or being a nymph [YAY YAY YAY I'M A BEAUTIFUL NYMPH HAHAHA](also known as Hafren) who drowned in Severn, and so gave it her name. It is more likely that the character derived her name from the river, rather than the river deriving its name from her.
More recently Sabrina has been linked to the children's television series 'Sabrina, the Teenage Witch'
lol got another meaning!! similiar leh
Of uncertain etymology, Sabrina is believed to be of Celtic origin, as it is borne in Celtic mythology by an illegitimate daughter of the Welsh king Locrine. The child was ordered drowned by the king's wife, Gwendolen, thus giving her name to the river in which the foul deed took place. Latin writings of the 1st century list the river's name as Sabrina, but it is now known as the Severn.
quite evil hor, the queen who drowned sabrina. but you know that the name sabrina was most popular in 1997! HAHA SO COOL. xD
HAHA yesterday cca was damn damn damn fun.
seniors super funny! xD
and lesson was really funfunfunfunfun!!
ahaha xinyun was funny-emo, jazel was funny-siao, yunni was funny-nice, and zia was funny-cute. hahaha and shuhui and i went boomz crazy crazy!! AHAHAHA super fun. somemore hls not there. and we learnt the byebye song!!
tmr going to bake cookies! the same MARVELOUS recipe we used to bake class cookies. ahhaha.
Day 2-Your Crush
hello crush i like to crush you like a paper. heee kay i have no crush. see i'm innocent. i'm still young. haha not like jing grow up so fast, so early got alr. tsk tsk tsk. haha
Day 3-Your Parents
haha my parents admit that they are very serious. just wanna say thx for being my parents!! i think you are quite leniant le.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 @ 9:30 PM
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i love seishea and her family!! :DHAHAHA just now went to seishea's house! IT'S SUPER UBER FUN. xD
in the early WEE hours of the morning we went to jp:) then went to ntuc to buy ingredients. then it was too early to eat lunch, so we went to KIDDY PALACE. my favourite place haha.
we picked some of the princess dresses and a blouse for jingwen so she went to try them on. LOL super embarassing leh this part :X there was this aunty who was working in the shop, and then she came to us and said: WHAT ARE YOU PPL DOING WITH THOSE DRESSES? THEY AREN'T MEANT FOR PPL YOUR AGE. ARE YOU GIRLS JUST PLAYING? in chinese. we were like omg omg and then we drifted away :P hahaha paiseh.
so we bought the blouse to show that we were serious. haha. and then we went to dabao lunch and went back to her seishea's house.
had lots lots of probs with project, cos the stuff so fat keep on spilling out. haha but overall,
SANDWICH IS A SUCCESS! YUMMY LIKE SHIT!and her sis is super cute. cos you know she very young right, so she and co. have super super high and SQUEAKY voices. so when they made lots of noises outside our room, we peeked outside and her sis was like: OH SHIT!
ahhaha super cute!!
then they went downstairs to swim, so we fallowed.
then they started spraying us with water. and i was wet like shit.
so we went upstairs and seishea lent us FBTs and shirts so we take out our own clothes and changed into those. then we went downstairs and swam too!
hahaha so fun. i dunno how to describe!! AWESOME SHIT. and in the end, the security guard caught us but we said sorry and went out. HAHAHA.
we played like lots of games. like floating games, jumping games, diving games, posing games, action games, competitions!! and the young ones keep on following us. HAHA :D
yipeeee i want it to happen again! and i can't wait for the practical home econs test! yayy us!! :)))))teeheeee:) and her mum and dad is really really nice.
i realise that they all LOOK alike. even parents. there is like 4 seishea twins in her family. haha so plus the one in school, 5 in the world!
LALALALA. jing ask me to do this!
write letters to:
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror
so i starting today!
day 1-your best friends
haha i have so many in primary school! i miss you shiying, chloe, amelia, lauren, felicia and qiting!remember the childish things we used to do! HAHAH all the best in life peepos. i love you guys!!
and for now, i don't think i have any... but i would like at least one! HAHAHA MORE FUN. like you can really tell and do everything with besties. haha hope that after this year i can find onee. lol. but for now, i think the closest to me are like jing, seishea, huiyu, yijie, qiting, ch, you know these kind of people in my clique. HAHA HOPE OUR FRIENDSHIP WILL LAST!!
i could really use a wish right now
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 @ 9:51 PM
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NOW my wish is really simple.
i wanna do something cool! you know those type of photos that have like one person holding a note infront of him/herself and you can still see the person's face?
and the note says something real meaningful! and the camera will kinda like focus on the note and not on the face so your face is all blurry but you still can see your face. and you can read the meaningful note:) it's so nice!! something like this:
but you can see the face more clearly. haha. oh oh oh isn't this fun? HAHAH:)
shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land in the stars.
i dieded.
ok i dieded just now. i think i am still dieding. but i'm still alive.
that's why i'm typing.
urghhhh this is so awfulllllll:( wtshitt it. ):
and i'm so lousy at cca! :X
and there is another stupid thing:
arghhhh. so much hom..e.hjowwworkkkkkkkhj.
can't bre .. at...heeeee ))): sa..veee meee.
i think we should hide money in places like the TIN BISCUIT BOXES you know those type like kong guan biscuit. haha. and hide it under the bed. like i do. oops i told you guys. but nevermind. no one will guesss. muahahaha.
cos if a bank collapses, we will not die. then i will not diedieded. cos i'm already dead. but i'm still alive typing. hehehe xD
MY HORRIBLE appear when i don't feel like seeing you. but where are you when i need you?!
Monday, September 6, 2010 @ 12:23 PM
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i learnt a new word:
i was stalking someone when i came across that word. and it left a deeeppppppp impression on me cos of the STATUES!:((((

and you know pedophiles are perverts. like they are S3XUALLY attracted to YOUNG YOUNG CHILDREN. so terrible sia:( hhorrible:(
and the photo is freaky:( my mum says they are selang. hahaha. so scary right>:( scary pedophile stop staring at me:(
that was random. i made a twitter account! go fallow me!
Saturday, September 4, 2010 @ 1:02 PM
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i realise that it is quite late to post this now. cos the first dazu was like on thur. hahaha anyway, it was not THAT scary, but really very quiet!! and then i will suddenly hit my strings so zia and sh will turn around and stare at me.
and i couldn't catch up for the first few times and didn't know when to start. haha totally lost like shit. thenn i finally got it! and it was fun! but i couldn't hear myself so i used muscle memory. hehe so pro hor!
yesterday ate ice cream! awww i got corn:( not that nice:( so i keep stealing fromm yijie. hahaha xD
but druing recess, yanjie's clique and our clique sat together! so around half the class was there!! YAYYYYYY!!!! we should do that mroe often.
AND I FINISHED MY DESPICABLE ME MINION !!! YIPEEEEEE although the head looks too BIAN. like squashed. lol:)
oh after school right, we had prac in 101, so when the aep-ers and other ppl who stayed back to finish their art came in, they stared at us :X very embarassing sia! and hls say that yesterday i was very good! she said i had the FEEELING! haha YAY! and fan yin sounds nice! sounds like MAGICCC :D haha i love my cca now:))))) and sh and angeline, you two better not leave me alone druing huibao. i dun wanna play alone:( super scary sia! and and like the whole orchestra stare at ME so you two better come back from whatever country you are in to play with me!
oh oh hls asked zilin whether she was cheena or something cos she said zilin look like one. haha totally freaked zilin out.
i haven't started on the HEAP of hw:( AND WEEK ONE GOT SPA:( i'm scared D:
week two got CHEM BT:(
wed going out to jp with seishea and jingwen! then later go do home econs. hehehe.
oh right for the online progress report thingy, MS TEO SUDDENLY SO NICE TO MEEE.HAHHA.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 @ 10:14 PM
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ok fine BE THAT WAY! but i got say that he is the son of the guy who got killed 15 years ago what!!BOBOHEAD YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS MEAN TO AHMA!you meanie. meanie mouse! you bobohead liu ziling! GO SUE LAR. GO GO GO. YOU NO MONEY TO HIRE LAWYER AH! and and I WILL BRIBE YOUR LAWYER IF YOU MANAGE TO HIRE ONE! HAH IN YOUR FACE! nani nani poo moo!
Chocolates and Sweets
Sunday, September 26, 2010 @ 8:54 PM
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if you can't see the photo click here
isn't it chocolatey super sweet!
the person who made this requested that i didn't blog about this. but i couldn't control myself. hee :D
but.. i think when you guys see this a name will probably pop into your mind instantly yeah? HAHA BOTH OF THEM ARE SO CUTE ♥ teehee
yeah that's about it. nothing else to say:)
wow so long
Thursday, September 23, 2010 @ 10:48 PM
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never update le.
haha sorry. wow got so many letters to write leh:( nvm jiayou me!
haha chem paper was easy!
everyone's mugging for eoys like crazy!
i didn't know it's starting in 3 weeks!
i can't wait for eoys!
i don't want dec holidays to come!
cca was epic today. made a new song for sec ones nypipa:D epic!
and i think the class is really getting into the jurong spirit. haha but other places in singapore are good too yeah? :)
level outing at sentosa! sounds good to me!! sentosa is fun. somemore they are having it on the last day of school yay!
plus we did well for lalaland assignment! yay! it was retarded though. haha wasted lots of time taking 200 + photos :D hehe but in the end was a success yay!
my com couldn't start for 2 days. seeee it proves that i am pro enough to not use it:D as in not use internet or anything else xD
and oh yeah, ziling said loud and clear today, practically screaming: AHMA WILL YOU BE JEALOUS COS I LOVE TINA WANG! priceless eh?
haha we played london bridge and father abraham today during recess! LA CARTWHEEL IS FUN COS YOU SLACK TOO MUCH! lol seriously can't wait for eoys sia :)
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
erm... i wish i could meet VIOLA! yeah i just found her on fb recently :D its really cool cos she was one of by besties during kindergarten! haha wonder how she is now! and i really miss angel and adeline you know. (other best friends in kindergarten!) see i can remember my friends well :)
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
amelia :X you know like i still call ppl like shiying and chloe and lauren and chat for like 2-3 hours but never really catch up with amelia leh:( miss ij!
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
i wish i can talk to sang nila utama:D cos he found singapore, also meaning he found jurong! now we have such a fantastic jurong because of him! xD
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
well, no one leh! cos you know we gossip a lot about lots of ppl in class but .. actually i okay okay with them lar hor? oh oh you know han wudi? he's quite nice but .. i don't exactly hate him or whatever, its just that he could have just done without the exams part.
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
hello angeline, super sorry okay? rmb what we talked about during lunch today? haha erm.. awkward yeah? but i promise with my pinkies and toe pinkies that i won't do it again:D yeah you are a really good friend :) ily! (:
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
well, chantel?? haha cos we not sitting together again. but we still quite close lar :D and nicole... haha i'm glad you've changed :)
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
6 PEACE 09! esp mrs mok, and WU LAOSHI. yayyyyy you two very funny :D bye i will come visit you two to get my childrens day present okay? xD
There's no pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
Thursday, September 16, 2010 @ 9:41 PM
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at least for this one! haha there is no end to this rainbow! it's a circle! :D awesome right!!

look this has a SILVER LINING on its cloud!

yeah i suddenly love the sun! like the warmth of it is GREAT. the feeling is FANTASTIC! haha:)
we were playing badminton today! hehe my skills finally improved :D
then had the psl interview ! a little scary :X but overall, still okay lar! anyway i don't really want to be a psl. like.. just try try lor. I THINK IT'S FUN! and you know they super high and hyper and enthu! then they cheer cheer cheer i feel like jumping hahaha xD so fail then fail lor, won't die one lar xD
lala celebrated yunni's birthday today ^-^ it was fun! but then got this random sec 2 senior started scolding us :( then the sec 4s and sec 3s became super pissed. then they went to retort and kinda quarelled. then sh and me were super awkward and freaked out. cos you should never ever offend any senior. learnt that lesson from the 410 incident D:
then talk talk talk all the way home. YAY! fun fun fun!! xD
Day 8-Your Favourite Internet Friend
teehee i don't meet ppl on the internet! they are scary:( not like jing hor. give her number to ANYONE ANYHOW. tsk tsk tsk later they perv then you know ah :D so i guess my fav internet friend is blogger and fb xD
Monday, September 13, 2010 @ 6:23 PM
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HAHAH wts jingwen i love your english. your pronunciation is (Y) and your spelling is best in johor and kualar lumpur. very good very good. who teach one?!
lol today was fun shit! YAYYYYYEEE US. ok start with LA:
haha actually i feel guilty for not listening to ms heng ALWAYS. but LA is fun! haha maybe only today. anyway, we used my whoe stack of post-its ! :D lol we wrote stupid stuff like: I AM A DUCK QUACKK! and I LOVE... hahaha and MY NUMBER IS ... heeeee:)and then we.. STUCK THEM ONTO JINGWEN'S BACK! YAY US! haha
during CCT, we were gaying around. haha then we had to do this stupid survey which has 92 QUESTIONS and we have to SHADE all of them. so i never even read the question then shade all AGREE xD faster ma. and waste my energy sia.
we drew animals on our hands! like the the skin between thumb and second finger. so the joint is the mouth and can open and close. I AM THE WHALE! there is crocodile, invisible fish, duck, small fish, big fish, medium fish, pufferfish, and lots of retarded stuff. haha and we realised it was the BEST WAY to teach pri sch kids about the food chain. LOL FUN SHIT xD
after school, went kap! on official duty! haha we got BREAD FRESH FROM THE OVEN for our home econs project. hehe and some strange ladies came up to us and tell us some weird stuff. lol HEH HEH HEH. then we help angeline get ALL their sandwich make stuff. haha see my group and claudia so nice hor, help her locate so many stuff. you know their sandwich is like WOW haha good luck guys:D
and when we were eating macs, there was too many french fries and no one wanted to finish. so we played scissors paper stone and then loser must eat 3. but it took forever so we just threw them away. xD
teeeheeee actually first day of term 4 not that bad leh! quite fun right! xD haha not bad not bad.
oh oh oh plus now tina is pervert no. 3.5. hahaha! you know their pervert test is PRACTICAL?! urgh dun wanna think about it. somemore is bobblehead CONDUCT one leh! bleah :P
tmr got spa. yeah and i am scared.
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
WOW this is easy xD cos i never got into ANY relationship before! haha so innocent and pure right! and as for ex-crushes, i not so flirt lar so dun have any. teehee xD
Friday, September 10, 2010 @ 11:48 PM
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HAHAHA I THINK MY NAME IS SUPER COOL!! i looked up the meanings!!! you guys should too hahahaha :D
Sabrina is linked to the River Severn in England, either through being the Goddess of the Severn, or being a nymph [YAY YAY YAY I'M A BEAUTIFUL NYMPH HAHAHA](also known as Hafren) who drowned in Severn, and so gave it her name. It is more likely that the character derived her name from the river, rather than the river deriving its name from her.
More recently Sabrina has been linked to the children's television series 'Sabrina, the Teenage Witch'
lol got another meaning!! similiar leh
Of uncertain etymology, Sabrina is believed to be of Celtic origin, as it is borne in Celtic mythology by an illegitimate daughter of the Welsh king Locrine. The child was ordered drowned by the king's wife, Gwendolen, thus giving her name to the river in which the foul deed took place. Latin writings of the 1st century list the river's name as Sabrina, but it is now known as the Severn.
quite evil hor, the queen who drowned sabrina. but you know that the name sabrina was most popular in 1997! HAHA SO COOL. xD
HAHA yesterday cca was damn damn damn fun.
seniors super funny! xD
and lesson was really funfunfunfunfun!!
ahaha xinyun was funny-emo, jazel was funny-siao, yunni was funny-nice, and zia was funny-cute. hahaha and shuhui and i went boomz crazy crazy!! AHAHAHA super fun. somemore hls not there. and we learnt the byebye song!!
tmr going to bake cookies! the same MARVELOUS recipe we used to bake class cookies. ahhaha.
Day 2-Your Crush
hello crush i like to crush you like a paper. heee kay i have no crush. see i'm innocent. i'm still young. haha not like jing grow up so fast, so early got alr. tsk tsk tsk. haha
Day 3-Your Parents
haha my parents admit that they are very serious. just wanna say thx for being my parents!! i think you are quite leniant le.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010 @ 9:30 PM
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i love seishea and her family!! :DHAHAHA just now went to seishea's house! IT'S SUPER UBER FUN. xD
in the early WEE hours of the morning we went to jp:) then went to ntuc to buy ingredients. then it was too early to eat lunch, so we went to KIDDY PALACE. my favourite place haha.
we picked some of the princess dresses and a blouse for jingwen so she went to try them on. LOL super embarassing leh this part :X there was this aunty who was working in the shop, and then she came to us and said: WHAT ARE YOU PPL DOING WITH THOSE DRESSES? THEY AREN'T MEANT FOR PPL YOUR AGE. ARE YOU GIRLS JUST PLAYING? in chinese. we were like omg omg and then we drifted away :P hahaha paiseh.
so we bought the blouse to show that we were serious. haha. and then we went to dabao lunch and went back to her seishea's house.
had lots lots of probs with project, cos the stuff so fat keep on spilling out. haha but overall,
SANDWICH IS A SUCCESS! YUMMY LIKE SHIT!and her sis is super cute. cos you know she very young right, so she and co. have super super high and SQUEAKY voices. so when they made lots of noises outside our room, we peeked outside and her sis was like: OH SHIT!
ahhaha super cute!!
then they went downstairs to swim, so we fallowed.
then they started spraying us with water. and i was wet like shit.
so we went upstairs and seishea lent us FBTs and shirts so we take out our own clothes and changed into those. then we went downstairs and swam too!
hahaha so fun. i dunno how to describe!! AWESOME SHIT. and in the end, the security guard caught us but we said sorry and went out. HAHAHA.
we played like lots of games. like floating games, jumping games, diving games, posing games, action games, competitions!! and the young ones keep on following us. HAHA :D
yipeeee i want it to happen again! and i can't wait for the practical home econs test! yayy us!! :)))))teeheeee:) and her mum and dad is really really nice.
i realise that they all LOOK alike. even parents. there is like 4 seishea twins in her family. haha so plus the one in school, 5 in the world!
LALALALA. jing ask me to do this!
write letters to:
Day 1 — Your Best Friend
Day 2 — Your Crush
Day 3 — Your parents
Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative)
Day 5 — Your dreams
Day 6 — A stranger
Day 7 — Your Ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
Day 8 — Your favorite internet friend
Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
Day 10 — Someone you don’t talk to as much as you’d like to
Day 11 — A Deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 12 — The person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
Day 13 — Someone you wish could forgive you
Day 14 — Someone you’ve drifted away from
Day 15 — The person you miss the most
Day 16 — Someone that’s not in your state/country
Day 17 — Someone from your childhood
Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be
Day 19 — Someone that pesters your mind—good or bad
Day 20 — The one that broke your heart the hardest
Day 21 — Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 22 — Someone you want to give a second chance to
Day 23 — The last person you kissed
Day 24 — The person that gave you your favorite memory
Day 25 — The person you know that is going through the worst of times
Day 26 — The last person you made a pinky promise to
Day 27 — The friendliest person you knew for only one day
Day 28 — Someone that changed your life
Day 29 — The person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Day 30 — Your reflection in the mirror
so i starting today!
day 1-your best friends
haha i have so many in primary school! i miss you shiying, chloe, amelia, lauren, felicia and qiting!remember the childish things we used to do! HAHAH all the best in life peepos. i love you guys!!
and for now, i don't think i have any... but i would like at least one! HAHAHA MORE FUN. like you can really tell and do everything with besties. haha hope that after this year i can find onee. lol. but for now, i think the closest to me are like jing, seishea, huiyu, yijie, qiting, ch, you know these kind of people in my clique. HAHA HOPE OUR FRIENDSHIP WILL LAST!!
i could really use a wish right now
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 @ 9:51 PM
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NOW my wish is really simple.
i wanna do something cool! you know those type of photos that have like one person holding a note infront of him/herself and you can still see the person's face?
and the note says something real meaningful! and the camera will kinda like focus on the note and not on the face so your face is all blurry but you still can see your face. and you can read the meaningful note:) it's so nice!! something like this:
but you can see the face more clearly. haha. oh oh oh isn't this fun? HAHAH:)
shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land in the stars.
i dieded.
ok i dieded just now. i think i am still dieding. but i'm still alive.
that's why i'm typing.
urghhhh this is so awfulllllll:( wtshitt it. ):
and i'm so lousy at cca! :X
and there is another stupid thing:
arghhhh. so much hom..e.hjowwworkkkkkkkhj.
can't bre .. at...heeeee ))): sa..veee meee.
i think we should hide money in places like the TIN BISCUIT BOXES you know those type like kong guan biscuit. haha. and hide it under the bed. like i do. oops i told you guys. but nevermind. no one will guesss. muahahaha.
cos if a bank collapses, we will not die. then i will not diedieded. cos i'm already dead. but i'm still alive typing. hehehe xD
MY HORRIBLE appear when i don't feel like seeing you. but where are you when i need you?!
Monday, September 6, 2010 @ 12:23 PM
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i learnt a new word:
i was stalking someone when i came across that word. and it left a deeeppppppp impression on me cos of the STATUES!:((((

and you know pedophiles are perverts. like they are S3XUALLY attracted to YOUNG YOUNG CHILDREN. so terrible sia:( hhorrible:(
and the photo is freaky:( my mum says they are selang. hahaha. so scary right>:( scary pedophile stop staring at me:(
that was random. i made a twitter account! go fallow me!
Saturday, September 4, 2010 @ 1:02 PM
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i realise that it is quite late to post this now. cos the first dazu was like on thur. hahaha anyway, it was not THAT scary, but really very quiet!! and then i will suddenly hit my strings so zia and sh will turn around and stare at me.
and i couldn't catch up for the first few times and didn't know when to start. haha totally lost like shit. thenn i finally got it! and it was fun! but i couldn't hear myself so i used muscle memory. hehe so pro hor!
yesterday ate ice cream! awww i got corn:( not that nice:( so i keep stealing fromm yijie. hahaha xD
but druing recess, yanjie's clique and our clique sat together! so around half the class was there!! YAYYYYYY!!!! we should do that mroe often.
AND I FINISHED MY DESPICABLE ME MINION !!! YIPEEEEEE although the head looks too BIAN. like squashed. lol:)
oh after school right, we had prac in 101, so when the aep-ers and other ppl who stayed back to finish their art came in, they stared at us :X very embarassing sia! and hls say that yesterday i was very good! she said i had the FEEELING! haha YAY! and fan yin sounds nice! sounds like MAGICCC :D haha i love my cca now:))))) and sh and angeline, you two better not leave me alone druing huibao. i dun wanna play alone:( super scary sia! and and like the whole orchestra stare at ME so you two better come back from whatever country you are in to play with me!
oh oh hls asked zilin whether she was cheena or something cos she said zilin look like one. haha totally freaked zilin out.
i haven't started on the HEAP of hw:( AND WEEK ONE GOT SPA:( i'm scared D:
week two got CHEM BT:(
wed going out to jp with seishea and jingwen! then later go do home econs. hehehe.
oh right for the online progress report thingy, MS TEO SUDDENLY SO NICE TO MEEE.HAHHA.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010 @ 10:14 PM
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ok fine BE THAT WAY! but i got say that he is the son of the guy who got killed 15 years ago what!!BOBOHEAD YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS MEAN TO AHMA!you meanie. meanie mouse! you bobohead liu ziling! GO SUE LAR. GO GO GO. YOU NO MONEY TO HIRE LAWYER AH! and and I WILL BRIBE YOUR LAWYER IF YOU MANAGE TO HIRE ONE! HAH IN YOUR FACE! nani nani poo moo!