I'm back!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010 @ 6:35 PM
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and old.
erm erm okay updates:
last fri, we had 6 peace 09 class gathering!! YAY HAHAHA amelia says i'm a baby and her gift exchange gift was actually meant for me!! i mean like ?!?! she bought some baby frog cup thingy and a baby chick pencil box. but too bad i didn't get hers!! so anyway, the person who got mine damn suay. SORRY FELICIA!! hehe and my present was really scary!! but awesomely cool. haha its zombie. and all of them say its cute??!
so anyway, we played games and gambled. haha i lost the most money cos buy too many cards le:( haha and mrs mok's nephews and son are like cute like asdfghjkl!! OMG esp her 2 year old nephew. he will go around repeating what we say, and then we wanted to feed him. so we say "mum mum" then he will come waddling towards you and muttering "mummum, mummum!" HAHAHA so cutee!!! his cheeks like so chubby OMG. and mrs mok's son is so cute!! his head so big!! haha in a good way!! xD
so it was fun:) haha and there was lack of food cos last year we couldn't finish so this year no one dare bring. haha last year we even had to dabao home!!
cca on tues and wed was pathetic! cos only 3 ppl came!! hahaha but as xinyun says, WE ARE SMALL, BUT MIGHTY! yay hahah :D but its quite fun luh! and the way zia cleaned her mouth after lunch was epic!! she suddenly grab her tissue than held it like she was going to tear it into two. but then she just put it to her mouth and moved her head in a supposedly ladylike but actually robotic way!! HAHA so cute!! me and jazel couldn't stop laughing LOL. xD
and both of them keep on talking about stuff i couldn't catch up. they call me blur!! I'M NOT OKAY!! just not that fast mah!! and we keep on smsing each other during dazu hee. (:
watched rapunzel with sis today. IT IS AWESOME!! and touchingness more than comedy!! ahah but she looks better as a blonde rather than brunette. :P
jiayou for everyone including me who's stuck at LA!!
I'm back!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010 @ 6:35 PM
| 0 notes

and old.
erm erm okay updates:
last fri, we had 6 peace 09 class gathering!! YAY HAHAHA amelia says i'm a baby and her gift exchange gift was actually meant for me!! i mean like ?!?! she bought some baby frog cup thingy and a baby chick pencil box. but too bad i didn't get hers!! so anyway, the person who got mine damn suay. SORRY FELICIA!! hehe and my present was really scary!! but awesomely cool. haha its zombie. and all of them say its cute??!
so anyway, we played games and gambled. haha i lost the most money cos buy too many cards le:( haha and mrs mok's nephews and son are like cute like asdfghjkl!! OMG esp her 2 year old nephew. he will go around repeating what we say, and then we wanted to feed him. so we say "mum mum" then he will come waddling towards you and muttering "mummum, mummum!" HAHAHA so cutee!!! his cheeks like so chubby OMG. and mrs mok's son is so cute!! his head so big!! haha in a good way!! xD
so it was fun:) haha and there was lack of food cos last year we couldn't finish so this year no one dare bring. haha last year we even had to dabao home!!
cca on tues and wed was pathetic! cos only 3 ppl came!! hahaha but as xinyun says, WE ARE SMALL, BUT MIGHTY! yay hahah :D but its quite fun luh! and the way zia cleaned her mouth after lunch was epic!! she suddenly grab her tissue than held it like she was going to tear it into two. but then she just put it to her mouth and moved her head in a supposedly ladylike but actually robotic way!! HAHA so cute!! me and jazel couldn't stop laughing LOL. xD
and both of them keep on talking about stuff i couldn't catch up. they call me blur!! I'M NOT OKAY!! just not that fast mah!! and we keep on smsing each other during dazu hee. (:
watched rapunzel with sis today. IT IS AWESOME!! and touchingness more than comedy!! ahah but she looks better as a blonde rather than brunette. :P
jiayou for everyone including me who's stuck at LA!!