Monday, November 29, 2010 @ 10:42 PM
| 0 notes

oh yeahh i'm gng thailand tmrr!
try to get stuffss for you guys kayy?
btw, yeah my phone is fixed :DD
today we had hcco interaction.
and in my grp there was this tally weirdie guy who is kinda gayish cos of the way he responds but he follows me around and asks me odd questions and i don't really like him >(
anywayy, it was quite fun in a way. the games were quite funn! I LOVE MASS GAME. i poued water INTO zia's shirtt! HAHAHA GUESS WHAT my grp lost every game except for one tie! my igl said that we held the record for most loses :)
but you know, we won one thing. and i cant believe it. it should be rated like r21 or something.
cos you know, we are supposed to write a story about some murder act and how, why, when, where it happened blah blah. using some clues lar.
so my grp was damn sick. actually it was me:P i gave them the idea of the gay making out with the other guy. teehee.
so the story goes like this: (DON'T READ IF YOU ARE INNOCENT. OR IF YOU ARE DUMB. cos its so confusing.)
characters -
A-DEAD PERSON (likes B). male.
B-A like her. female. likes C.
C-GAY. OH YESH BABEH. B likes him before learning he was gay. likes A.
C was devastated after learning that C doesnt like him. so he went to one night stands in the rld in a disco blah blah. to find relief blah blah. and on the 80th day, it was the 80th night stand lar, and then coincidentally, B was stalking him. and and A, was at the disco too, cos he was also sad that B doesnt like him.
so anyway, B saw C raping A and so was angry. ran away * drama* yes i know. and was sobbing FURIOUSLY. then A saw her running so ran after her. they ran to the roof and then B wanted to eliminate her love rival so she hit A at the spine and he fell to his death :DD
i know its complicating. hahaha but if you understand it, BAGUS.
ahha, my grp describe like shit. sooo EWWWW. and the guy who wrote it has a pervertic mind.
HOW COULD WE HAVE WON. they are teaching young kids dirty stuff. tsk tsk :B
my back hurts:( where's my vitamin c?
Monday, November 29, 2010 @ 10:42 PM
| 0 notes

oh yeahh i'm gng thailand tmrr!
try to get stuffss for you guys kayy?
btw, yeah my phone is fixed :DD
today we had hcco interaction.
and in my grp there was this tally weirdie guy who is kinda gayish cos of the way he responds but he follows me around and asks me odd questions and i don't really like him >(
anywayy, it was quite fun in a way. the games were quite funn! I LOVE MASS GAME. i poued water INTO zia's shirtt! HAHAHA GUESS WHAT my grp lost every game except for one tie! my igl said that we held the record for most loses :)
but you know, we won one thing. and i cant believe it. it should be rated like r21 or something.
cos you know, we are supposed to write a story about some murder act and how, why, when, where it happened blah blah. using some clues lar.
so my grp was damn sick. actually it was me:P i gave them the idea of the gay making out with the other guy. teehee.
so the story goes like this: (DON'T READ IF YOU ARE INNOCENT. OR IF YOU ARE DUMB. cos its so confusing.)
characters -
A-DEAD PERSON (likes B). male.
B-A like her. female. likes C.
C-GAY. OH YESH BABEH. B likes him before learning he was gay. likes A.
C was devastated after learning that C doesnt like him. so he went to one night stands in the rld in a disco blah blah. to find relief blah blah. and on the 80th day, it was the 80th night stand lar, and then coincidentally, B was stalking him. and and A, was at the disco too, cos he was also sad that B doesnt like him.
so anyway, B saw C raping A and so was angry. ran away * drama* yes i know. and was sobbing FURIOUSLY. then A saw her running so ran after her. they ran to the roof and then B wanted to eliminate her love rival so she hit A at the spine and he fell to his death :DD
i know its complicating. hahaha but if you understand it, BAGUS.
ahha, my grp describe like shit. sooo EWWWW. and the guy who wrote it has a pervertic mind.
HOW COULD WE HAVE WON. they are teaching young kids dirty stuff. tsk tsk :B
my back hurts:( where's my vitamin c?
Hi. I am Sab and I love books, despicable me and finding nemo, tumblr and youtube.
I'm a teenager. I like bands like The Script, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Onerepublic, Kodaline, Coldplay etc.
My friends call me uncool and weird but they love me. Yep. I also love Singapore.