bulletrain week!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 @ 9:32 PM
| 0 notes

hello finally i'm postinggg :D on the account of wong jingwen.
okayys so today is quite okay lah. seishea shes super cute. today when the both of us were walking towards 7-11, she did a cuteeee action and said she is getting a heatstroke lol! and then she started giving me a lecture of how everything on earth is dangerous. hahaha!!
then we went back and tina lost her wallet!! jiayou in finding it! ^-^
headed towards yuan mao guan, the bus trip was boringg :( i forgot to bring my camera!! and then the teacher doesn't even allow us to shout out our names to take attendance. so we were all quietey andd bloah bloah.
yuan mao guan is quite coool. its like they didn't even touch the last time the stuff. and the people lived in teeeny weeeny spaces no wonder they had to be so skinny. haha plus there was this freaky spoiled lion head thingy that everyone started screaming about. xD
it was warmmmmmmm!! so we sat on those plastic sstuck chairs. teeheee and then we was let off 1 hour earlier :D
the whole gang of us created quite a scene at the station lol. nvm its okayy! :D then homed and on the way, it was quite fun cos everyone was talking together about random stuffs :D
haha on the bus i met with a pervert!! i got up 98 and then poor little me sat on the wrong seat :( the guy sitting two seats away was like coming closer to meeeee :( then he was obviously staring at my name tag i was like wtf. and he came super close i hurriedly put my bag infront of me. and almost the whole bus was staring!! and then i looked at this old man. he shook his head at me. what did that meann?!
and then when the pervert was alighting he kept on staring at some ladies' chest. obsession wth.
tired, i slept a long long time. at least homework was at its minimal. but mrs soh ask us to brace ourselves!! its the bullettrain week!!
bulletrain week!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011 @ 9:32 PM
| 0 notes

hello finally i'm postinggg :D on the account of wong jingwen.
okayys so today is quite okay lah. seishea shes super cute. today when the both of us were walking towards 7-11, she did a cuteeee action and said she is getting a heatstroke lol! and then she started giving me a lecture of how everything on earth is dangerous. hahaha!!
then we went back and tina lost her wallet!! jiayou in finding it! ^-^
headed towards yuan mao guan, the bus trip was boringg :( i forgot to bring my camera!! and then the teacher doesn't even allow us to shout out our names to take attendance. so we were all quietey andd bloah bloah.
yuan mao guan is quite coool. its like they didn't even touch the last time the stuff. and the people lived in teeeny weeeny spaces no wonder they had to be so skinny. haha plus there was this freaky spoiled lion head thingy that everyone started screaming about. xD
it was warmmmmmmm!! so we sat on those plastic sstuck chairs. teeheee and then we was let off 1 hour earlier :D
the whole gang of us created quite a scene at the station lol. nvm its okayy! :D then homed and on the way, it was quite fun cos everyone was talking together about random stuffs :D
haha on the bus i met with a pervert!! i got up 98 and then poor little me sat on the wrong seat :( the guy sitting two seats away was like coming closer to meeeee :( then he was obviously staring at my name tag i was like wtf. and he came super close i hurriedly put my bag infront of me. and almost the whole bus was staring!! and then i looked at this old man. he shook his head at me. what did that meann?!
and then when the pervert was alighting he kept on staring at some ladies' chest. obsession wth.
tired, i slept a long long time. at least homework was at its minimal. but mrs soh ask us to brace ourselves!! its the bullettrain week!!