whoaa where has sab been
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 @ 11:54 PM
| 0 notes

YAY EOYs ARE OVER!! *happy dance happy dance*
hahah the last time i updated was like september 1st or was it 2nd. anyways i have been really lazy so everytime i think of something to blog i tell myself to do it later but i end up getting lazy all over again. :/
yesterday was the last day of exams!! i'm kinda angry with myself i screwed up so many papers. eoys are gonna pull me down to the bottom of the ocean. D:
so after the drama briefing, me jing yijie headed to angeline's house!! :D YAY! no wait first we ate ramen. then we headed to angeline's house!! :D YAY!
the three of them then started to get all girly girl and they played with makeup. hahah i was just slacking there not really doing anything.. i think i was sleeping with my eyes open. honestly even though i wasn't doing anything, i felt really reeeaaaally girly just watching them paint their faces. ITS A CREEPY FEELING.
then it stopped raining so we threw on some of qiting's shirts and we went for a swim!! HAHAA just like old times. we were like making up stupid games in the pool. and being dumb for always forgetting to not dive at the 1.8 metres end. because we didn't have goggles and its not easy to swim without them!!
swim swim swim. splash splash splash. OH YEAH!! i found this super secret place. behind the water. HAHHAA it was so cool to see the world behind the wall of water.
and then we played cards and they said that if i lost i would have to put on makeup. which i put up a strong resistance too but of course who would listen to me :( but good news is, i managed to win all games (except 1. only 1) SO i was spared of torture.
and then we watched toy story 3!! gosh i love that movie. and we went home after it ended :D
i want to do that again!! and again!! and again and again and again!!
i feel so happy :D
whoaa where has sab been
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 @ 11:54 PM
| 0 notes

YAY EOYs ARE OVER!! *happy dance happy dance*
hahah the last time i updated was like september 1st or was it 2nd. anyways i have been really lazy so everytime i think of something to blog i tell myself to do it later but i end up getting lazy all over again. :/
yesterday was the last day of exams!! i'm kinda angry with myself i screwed up so many papers. eoys are gonna pull me down to the bottom of the ocean. D:
so after the drama briefing, me jing yijie headed to angeline's house!! :D YAY! no wait first we ate ramen. then we headed to angeline's house!! :D YAY!
the three of them then started to get all girly girl and they played with makeup. hahah i was just slacking there not really doing anything.. i think i was sleeping with my eyes open. honestly even though i wasn't doing anything, i felt really reeeaaaally girly just watching them paint their faces. ITS A CREEPY FEELING.
then it stopped raining so we threw on some of qiting's shirts and we went for a swim!! HAHAA just like old times. we were like making up stupid games in the pool. and being dumb for always forgetting to not dive at the 1.8 metres end. because we didn't have goggles and its not easy to swim without them!!
swim swim swim. splash splash splash. OH YEAH!! i found this super secret place. behind the water. HAHHAA it was so cool to see the world behind the wall of water.
and then we played cards and they said that if i lost i would have to put on makeup. which i put up a strong resistance too but of course who would listen to me :( but good news is, i managed to win all games (except 1. only 1) SO i was spared of torture.
and then we watched toy story 3!! gosh i love that movie. and we went home after it ended :D
i want to do that again!! and again!! and again and again and again!!
i feel so happy :D