i love jane ^-^
Friday, July 29, 2011 @ 7:02 PM
| 0 notes

i'm glad i didn't die before i met you.
jane said my voice was coooool! HAHAHA omg i love her and she's so niceeeeeeeee! unlike seishea who's always saying i'm asdfghjkl :(
hmm. long time no blog yeah. hahaha its mug modeeeee! so what am i doing here? HAHAH GREAT QUESTION.
school life is so sucky nowadays with all the exams and hugeeee pile of work :( BUT schoool is so fun haha :D
esp yesterday i couldnt stop laughing in classss!
qingyuan drew a photo of zhang bo laoshi and its super cooool! its like 100% similar to the actual person!! HAHAHA i dunno why but everytime i think of that i'll laugh like crazy.
and then people started adding stuff like muscles and what green lantern thingy and THE SCREAM. hahaha epic everytime there's a new character drawn on the board it'll be converted to THE SCREAM. and its really funny!! HAHAHA. xD oh right zls saw the pics and he couldn't stop laughing!! HAHAHA HE'S SO CUTEEE as in small kid kinda cuteee. plus he looks like dongyi's emperor!!
so today was miss ong's last day :( was quite sad :( LA was slack today cuz she was talking about how we should be enjoying life now and giving advice haha :D i think she's nice :D and she treated us to ben and jerry's!! FOUR TO A TUB. how awesome is that. :D although huiyu and jing and i couldnt finish ours.. so we gave it to the sec one jingwen.
HAHAH that jingwen is so scary :X and she never ever acknowledges my presence. which is why i was freaking out yesterday just because she waved to me!! HAHAHA :DD
soo syf presentation was fun (: hahaha i yueqing's so fun to play with LOL. she's damn nice :D wheeee. on rehearsal day i was like confused the whole time and i didn't really know what i was doing. xP
and then on wed it was seriously fun. hahaha shuhui and sophia started singing songs and i think we made quite a lot of noise! heh. but its okayyyyy. and then yueqing started spazzing over city hunterrr YAYYYY she watches it tooooo!!
and then we moved stuff and blah blah and then me and yq went into the toilet to record the music hahah cuz hy told us the toilet was the most quiet. BUT THEN THE STUPID TOILET BOWL STARTED FLUSHING SUDDENLY IT WAS SO NOISY!! D: so we went outside and raised our hands to the speakers LOL. the uncle came to us and asked: arent's your hands tired? HAHAHA YES IT WAS MAN. :D
and we moved the instruments back blah blah and some stuff happened and then we were so desperate for water so we were like emptying our pockets to buy the 50 cents orange drink HAHAH.
on the bus me and shuhui started playing with our phones!! and than poor shuhui started to get all emo :( and then more stuff happened..
and even more stuff happened later and then we went home (:
loook awesome me has transformed this into and boring post by rattling too much again. HAHAH its okay!! i shall treat this as my diary so when i'm like 30 years old i can come back and say: HAHAHAHA SAB I MISS THOSE DAYS :') or like SAB YOU ARE SO WEIRD. :DD
i think kids who look like their parents are cool like asdfghjkl. its like looking at the mama penguin and baby penguin!! dont you think that's amazing!! too bad i look like neither of my parents..
i love jane ^-^
Friday, July 29, 2011 @ 7:02 PM
| 0 notes

i'm glad i didn't die before i met you.
jane said my voice was coooool! HAHAHA omg i love her and she's so niceeeeeeeee! unlike seishea who's always saying i'm asdfghjkl :(
hmm. long time no blog yeah. hahaha its mug modeeeee! so what am i doing here? HAHAH GREAT QUESTION.
school life is so sucky nowadays with all the exams and hugeeee pile of work :( BUT schoool is so fun haha :D
esp yesterday i couldnt stop laughing in classss!
qingyuan drew a photo of zhang bo laoshi and its super cooool! its like 100% similar to the actual person!! HAHAHA i dunno why but everytime i think of that i'll laugh like crazy.
and then people started adding stuff like muscles and what green lantern thingy and THE SCREAM. hahaha epic everytime there's a new character drawn on the board it'll be converted to THE SCREAM. and its really funny!! HAHAHA. xD oh right zls saw the pics and he couldn't stop laughing!! HAHAHA HE'S SO CUTEEE as in small kid kinda cuteee. plus he looks like dongyi's emperor!!
so today was miss ong's last day :( was quite sad :( LA was slack today cuz she was talking about how we should be enjoying life now and giving advice haha :D i think she's nice :D and she treated us to ben and jerry's!! FOUR TO A TUB. how awesome is that. :D although huiyu and jing and i couldnt finish ours.. so we gave it to the sec one jingwen.
HAHAH that jingwen is so scary :X and she never ever acknowledges my presence. which is why i was freaking out yesterday just because she waved to me!! HAHAHA :DD
soo syf presentation was fun (: hahaha i yueqing's so fun to play with LOL. she's damn nice :D wheeee. on rehearsal day i was like confused the whole time and i didn't really know what i was doing. xP
and then on wed it was seriously fun. hahaha shuhui and sophia started singing songs and i think we made quite a lot of noise! heh. but its okayyyyy. and then yueqing started spazzing over city hunterrr YAYYYY she watches it tooooo!!
and then we moved stuff and blah blah and then me and yq went into the toilet to record the music hahah cuz hy told us the toilet was the most quiet. BUT THEN THE STUPID TOILET BOWL STARTED FLUSHING SUDDENLY IT WAS SO NOISY!! D: so we went outside and raised our hands to the speakers LOL. the uncle came to us and asked: arent's your hands tired? HAHAHA YES IT WAS MAN. :D
and we moved the instruments back blah blah and some stuff happened and then we were so desperate for water so we were like emptying our pockets to buy the 50 cents orange drink HAHAH.
on the bus me and shuhui started playing with our phones!! and than poor shuhui started to get all emo :( and then more stuff happened..
and even more stuff happened later and then we went home (:
loook awesome me has transformed this into and boring post by rattling too much again. HAHAH its okay!! i shall treat this as my diary so when i'm like 30 years old i can come back and say: HAHAHAHA SAB I MISS THOSE DAYS :') or like SAB YOU ARE SO WEIRD. :DD
i think kids who look like their parents are cool like asdfghjkl. its like looking at the mama penguin and baby penguin!! dont you think that's amazing!! too bad i look like neither of my parents..