Monday, January 3, 2011 @ 12:00 PM
| 0 notes

first weird dream: it was the night when my pinky toenail was pulled out. and in m dream, a lot of ppl were pulling hard on my third toenail on my left leg!! and it was damn pain cos it was coming out :( i struggled a lot haha. wanted to save my toenail!! hahaha it was funny in a way. hehe then when i woke up my toe was pain. HAHAHA.
second weird dream: i was at cca at night i dunno why, i think it was camp. but then the new sec ones were there too!!!! and it was their first day at cca. lol then a lot of weird things happenned to me and i panicked so much my heart was gonna come outt!! hahaha and then there was this time i was at the swing area, and since it was at night, it was damn ulu. i saw frogs, and they started jumping towards mee!!! haha freakkyyyy and then i saw white figures coming towards me and i realised it was zia and marriane. then the rest i don't feel like explaining cos it is damn scary. LOL. :D
my mum says i always have nightmares cos i am too happy in the day. its true you know, your dreams are normally opposite of the feeling you have in the day. but they reflect what happened in the day. and then i was thinking why i'm so happy. haha i think its cos of my sis.
you see, i dunno why but my sis makes me laugh very stupidly every night over her stupid expressions. hahahaha then i will not be able to stop laughing cos my hair will start tickling my neck(?!) my sis says i'm alien to feel like that. LOL anyway, i will laugh for ten minutes or so then i will start laughing again thinking about epic expressions. HAHAHA. this is funny.
oh btw, random fact about my sis: she wears a sock to slp on her hand every night cos she always scratches herself and cause herself to bleed. ahaha then she will do sock puppets rofl.
anywayy, yesterday we were trying hard to speak cantonese, and i wanted to say the word NUMBER in cantonese. then i ended up saying a bad word in hokkien which means the boy down there :X ITS NOT MY FAULT KAYY!! they have the same pronunciation except the sound is different. hao xin ku ah.
friends :D :D :D :D :D :D
work WTS.
Monday, January 3, 2011 @ 12:00 PM
| 0 notes

first weird dream: it was the night when my pinky toenail was pulled out. and in m dream, a lot of ppl were pulling hard on my third toenail on my left leg!! and it was damn pain cos it was coming out :( i struggled a lot haha. wanted to save my toenail!! hahaha it was funny in a way. hehe then when i woke up my toe was pain. HAHAHA.
second weird dream: i was at cca at night i dunno why, i think it was camp. but then the new sec ones were there too!!!! and it was their first day at cca. lol then a lot of weird things happenned to me and i panicked so much my heart was gonna come outt!! hahaha and then there was this time i was at the swing area, and since it was at night, it was damn ulu. i saw frogs, and they started jumping towards mee!!! haha freakkyyyy and then i saw white figures coming towards me and i realised it was zia and marriane. then the rest i don't feel like explaining cos it is damn scary. LOL. :D
my mum says i always have nightmares cos i am too happy in the day. its true you know, your dreams are normally opposite of the feeling you have in the day. but they reflect what happened in the day. and then i was thinking why i'm so happy. haha i think its cos of my sis.
you see, i dunno why but my sis makes me laugh very stupidly every night over her stupid expressions. hahahaha then i will not be able to stop laughing cos my hair will start tickling my neck(?!) my sis says i'm alien to feel like that. LOL anyway, i will laugh for ten minutes or so then i will start laughing again thinking about epic expressions. HAHAHA. this is funny.
oh btw, random fact about my sis: she wears a sock to slp on her hand every night cos she always scratches herself and cause herself to bleed. ahaha then she will do sock puppets rofl.
anywayy, yesterday we were trying hard to speak cantonese, and i wanted to say the word NUMBER in cantonese. then i ended up saying a bad word in hokkien which means the boy down there :X ITS NOT MY FAULT KAYY!! they have the same pronunciation except the sound is different. hao xin ku ah.
friends :D :D :D :D :D :D
work WTS.
Hi. I am Sab and I love books, despicable me and finding nemo, tumblr and youtube.
I'm a teenager. I like bands like The Script, Imagine Dragons, Bastille, Onerepublic, Kodaline, Coldplay etc.
My friends call me uncool and weird but they love me. Yep. I also love Singapore.