I love 201, 201 loves me!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 @ 9:47 PM
| 0 notes

oh gosh. i miss our class already.
malacca trip ended last thur! :'( it was kinda sad because our class couldn't ride on the same bus together back to singapore (bus broke down cuz of some other reckless driver). the point is, we didn't get to spend the last time as a official class together!!!!!!!!
and we didn't take a group photo! D:
but i enjoyed malacca heaps :D
hahaha you know. i meant to write about malacca and all the fun i had. but.. i think there's no use in that. i shall just look at photos and remember :D

honestly i was kinda dreading the trip.. but seriously spending time with my friends was awesome. i think that was kind of the highlight for me hahah.
and during breakfast we would talk about next year D: seriously i don't wanna leave 201. its really really really fun and lovableeeeee. gah. i would miss my classmates so much. and then we promised each other to have recess together at least once a week next year!! but i don't even know if that's possible during SIA and BTs periods.
arghhhh. i'm afraid of getting distant from people like agatha, yi jie, and others who took different subject as me. we're probably not going to have anything else in common in future. this sucks. a lot. we have to say hi to each other in the corridor next year!!!!!!! and don't act awkward around each other tooo!!
so anyway we planned lots of stuff to do!! so far we've only been to cycling@ecp and kite flying@marina barrage! so next on our list is:
1) kayaking@sentosa (and other water activites i think..)
2) ice skating!!!!!!!!!
3) wild wild wet!
4) universal studios. HAHAH i haven't even stepped in there before.
oh gosh. i really don't wanna leave my friends. and it sucks for me because many of them are telling me how i have slim chances getting into the same class as them. honestly i don't want to get into those super pro classes. the stress. the studying. asdfghjkl. BUT i don't believe them!! (at least not a lot) i really really really hope i can get into the same class as a few of my friends!! urghhhhhhh.
my arm hurts. a lot. who knew playing pipa for like 2-3 hours everyday straight could cause muscle ache this bad. i don't even remember my arm aching this bad after napfa. it literally burns whenever i try to lift something. argh. my exam is next tuesday!! i still need to practice loads!! and my back and neck is so stiffy like. i feel horrible.
and now almost every finger on my left hand other than my thumb is showing signs of blisters forming. well, my second one already has a big big one with skin peeling. but. it still hurts. D:
hahah you know what. i love gao shan liu shui. so much more than yi zu wu qv. but i don't think we're allowed to change our huibao pieces anymore!! :(
anyway, yesterday after xiaozu shuhui and i went to qiting's house!! and we were just fooling around in between of prac-ing :D LOL i love my batchmates they are so fun :D
my to-do list before 2012:
2) complete the horrible math homework. can you believe it! SEC 2 HOLIDAY homework. this is so unfair. my seniors mentioned before that sec 2 holiday is the one where you slack the whole time!!
3) print albums full of photos!!
4) clean up my room. its negative 5 star pig sty.
5) letters!!
I LOVE 201!! I'M GOING TO MISS 201 2011 SO MUCH.
I love 201, 201 loves me!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 @ 9:47 PM
| 0 notes

oh gosh. i miss our class already.
malacca trip ended last thur! :'( it was kinda sad because our class couldn't ride on the same bus together back to singapore (bus broke down cuz of some other reckless driver). the point is, we didn't get to spend the last time as a official class together!!!!!!!!
and we didn't take a group photo! D:
but i enjoyed malacca heaps :D
hahaha you know. i meant to write about malacca and all the fun i had. but.. i think there's no use in that. i shall just look at photos and remember :D

honestly i was kinda dreading the trip.. but seriously spending time with my friends was awesome. i think that was kind of the highlight for me hahah.
and during breakfast we would talk about next year D: seriously i don't wanna leave 201. its really really really fun and lovableeeeee. gah. i would miss my classmates so much. and then we promised each other to have recess together at least once a week next year!! but i don't even know if that's possible during SIA and BTs periods.
arghhhh. i'm afraid of getting distant from people like agatha, yi jie, and others who took different subject as me. we're probably not going to have anything else in common in future. this sucks. a lot. we have to say hi to each other in the corridor next year!!!!!!! and don't act awkward around each other tooo!!
so anyway we planned lots of stuff to do!! so far we've only been to cycling@ecp and kite flying@marina barrage! so next on our list is:
1) kayaking@sentosa (and other water activites i think..)
2) ice skating!!!!!!!!!
3) wild wild wet!
4) universal studios. HAHAH i haven't even stepped in there before.
oh gosh. i really don't wanna leave my friends. and it sucks for me because many of them are telling me how i have slim chances getting into the same class as them. honestly i don't want to get into those super pro classes. the stress. the studying. asdfghjkl. BUT i don't believe them!! (at least not a lot) i really really really hope i can get into the same class as a few of my friends!! urghhhhhhh.
my arm hurts. a lot. who knew playing pipa for like 2-3 hours everyday straight could cause muscle ache this bad. i don't even remember my arm aching this bad after napfa. it literally burns whenever i try to lift something. argh. my exam is next tuesday!! i still need to practice loads!! and my back and neck is so stiffy like. i feel horrible.
and now almost every finger on my left hand other than my thumb is showing signs of blisters forming. well, my second one already has a big big one with skin peeling. but. it still hurts. D:
hahah you know what. i love gao shan liu shui. so much more than yi zu wu qv. but i don't think we're allowed to change our huibao pieces anymore!! :(
anyway, yesterday after xiaozu shuhui and i went to qiting's house!! and we were just fooling around in between of prac-ing :D LOL i love my batchmates they are so fun :D
my to-do list before 2012:
2) complete the horrible math homework. can you believe it! SEC 2 HOLIDAY homework. this is so unfair. my seniors mentioned before that sec 2 holiday is the one where you slack the whole time!!
3) print albums full of photos!!
4) clean up my room. its negative 5 star pig sty.
5) letters!!
I LOVE 201!! I'M GOING TO MISS 201 2011 SO MUCH.