mahjong and cookies=the best combination :D
Monday, November 8, 2010 @ 9:34 PM
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today i went to seishea's house with jing, clara and maegan! at first we wanted to swim, but then .. ahaha emergency thingy. so we just went there to play.
met at jp with jing, maegan and clara first then we go buy lunch and some other ingredients and MY NEW WATCH! i broke it in the washing machine :P its the same one as valerie's :DD yay yay!
then went to seishea's house. ate first, played mahjong next :)! haha yay i love mahjong man. then maegan who dunno how to play, said she was bored so we baked the cookies. haha it was epic.
firstly, they added in the egg first which was the second step. so :X teehee nvm we just mixed it together. then we mix lai mix qu my hand was itchy so i put the chopsticks in and it broke!! it is like woody-ceramicy. haha then there was a loud BOK. ahaha! we couldn't find it later. so we don't care lar. hee :D
aft the choc chips we bought were HUMONGOUS. haha but they taste AWESOMEE! so while we were mixing the sticky dough, clara found the other part of the chopstick! YAY. (: then we put the cookie mixture in the oven too closely to each other. hahaha and guess what, the thingy became like one big pie thingy cos they were all joined together.
and one of the trays(there were 4 or 5) the cookies are all CHAOTA at the bottom. so we scrape the top and ate it like those tarts thingy. haha! but they still taste nice!
in the end the cookies turned out chewy chewy and super similar to subway cookies, but it was supposed to be crunchy and everything. haha i think it was because of the eggs. :P nvm its okayy! haha they are still yummy:)
while waiting for the cookies to bake, we played MORE mahjong(i think like 10 rounds the whole day), around 5 rounds of dai di, then like 10 rounds of 99 and like countless rounds of black jack. oh right and heart attack and cheat! haha I OWN MAHJONG MAN. i won like 5 roundss! YAY but i lost 99:( NVM ITS OKAYY!
we played these gambling games for like 3-4 hourss! haha but we didn't play with money. cos we very guai onee!! :D we should come and play again next time! hope next time can go swim too!
qiting ask me go her house on fri. should i? haha maybe yes maybe not cos fri is my only free day. but it will be boring to just stay at home. sat jing and maegan and ?? is coming to my house! TMR JINGWEN is going on a date with JUNHONG . movies and everything wor. HAHA she ask me go but cannot go and be dian deng pao!(third person)! and somemore got cca!
jazel and i were like complaining about how much we are gonna hate tmr, 16, 21 and 23. BLEAH. the cca sessions on these days are :( man. THE WHOLE SECTION IS GONNA DIE. DIE.I.TELL.YOU. bishh. jiayou to me! hahaha! :D
mahjong and cookies=the best combination :D
Monday, November 8, 2010 @ 9:34 PM
| 0 notes

today i went to seishea's house with jing, clara and maegan! at first we wanted to swim, but then .. ahaha emergency thingy. so we just went there to play.
met at jp with jing, maegan and clara first then we go buy lunch and some other ingredients and MY NEW WATCH! i broke it in the washing machine :P its the same one as valerie's :DD yay yay!
then went to seishea's house. ate first, played mahjong next :)! haha yay i love mahjong man. then maegan who dunno how to play, said she was bored so we baked the cookies. haha it was epic.
firstly, they added in the egg first which was the second step. so :X teehee nvm we just mixed it together. then we mix lai mix qu my hand was itchy so i put the chopsticks in and it broke!! it is like woody-ceramicy. haha then there was a loud BOK. ahaha! we couldn't find it later. so we don't care lar. hee :D
aft the choc chips we bought were HUMONGOUS. haha but they taste AWESOMEE! so while we were mixing the sticky dough, clara found the other part of the chopstick! YAY. (: then we put the cookie mixture in the oven too closely to each other. hahaha and guess what, the thingy became like one big pie thingy cos they were all joined together.
and one of the trays(there were 4 or 5) the cookies are all CHAOTA at the bottom. so we scrape the top and ate it like those tarts thingy. haha! but they still taste nice!
in the end the cookies turned out chewy chewy and super similar to subway cookies, but it was supposed to be crunchy and everything. haha i think it was because of the eggs. :P nvm its okayy! haha they are still yummy:)
while waiting for the cookies to bake, we played MORE mahjong(i think like 10 rounds the whole day), around 5 rounds of dai di, then like 10 rounds of 99 and like countless rounds of black jack. oh right and heart attack and cheat! haha I OWN MAHJONG MAN. i won like 5 roundss! YAY but i lost 99:( NVM ITS OKAYY!
we played these gambling games for like 3-4 hourss! haha but we didn't play with money. cos we very guai onee!! :D we should come and play again next time! hope next time can go swim too!
qiting ask me go her house on fri. should i? haha maybe yes maybe not cos fri is my only free day. but it will be boring to just stay at home. sat jing and maegan and ?? is coming to my house! TMR JINGWEN is going on a date with JUNHONG . movies and everything wor. HAHA she ask me go but cannot go and be dian deng pao!(third person)! and somemore got cca!
jazel and i were like complaining about how much we are gonna hate tmr, 16, 21 and 23. BLEAH. the cca sessions on these days are :( man. THE WHOLE SECTION IS GONNA DIE. DIE.I.TELL.YOU. bishh. jiayou to me! hahaha! :D