fruity wednesday
Tuesday, November 2, 2010 @ 9:22 PM | 0 notes


today there was this thingy called fruit hunt! and we had to look for fruits around the sch! quite fun cos got funny fruits! even durian man. and i cant believe we missed the watermelon. 101 got 3rd YAY YAY.

i think i ate like the most fruits ever in my life. there were so many. variety too! and there was free vitagen! yay yay! and coco crunch cos we won:)

then later got some line dancing thingy where we didn't understand alot so we just danced randomly and went high for fun:DD

afterwards had some sharing of the talent developement programme. so suitable for me!! cos i have soo much talent you guys cant imagine :P jk. so seishea, me, jing, maegan, someone(so confusing i also dunno who liao) went for the cmps thingy. haha cos we got BIG hearts!!

tmr got sentosa! actually i dun mind staying in sch too. :B

okay im gonna pack stuff now. i think this blog is boring cos i can't describe what happens in the day well.