101 '10 201 '11
Thursday, November 4, 2010 @ 9:28 PM
| 0 notes

today is the last day of sec 1 :( i will miss the awesome classroom that we have. i love it ttm! cos there is like the sun balcony thingy and we can run in the rain or play in the sun there. :(( and this also means a year has past, i'm older, and there is less time with 101! D: its like i was still brooding over the fact that pri sch has ended, and now its sec 2 life alr. JIAYOU TO 101 NEXT YEARR!
started of with class montages, personally i think 101 and 107's montages are great. cos there is like background, words, animation you know all that stuff and not just simple song with pictures. haha:) mdm teo said that we are a fun loving class! heard that she is migrating. WILL MISS YOU!
HAD BREAK, and then spring cleaning! it's not even spring. its summer. but anyway, 101 didn't really like clean it well cos they littered after cleaning the class up. haha :P nevermindd! then we played dai di, murderer, STRESS(with ahma is the best!) and heart attack. fun gamess:D i guess counted as class bonding? haha
there is CLASS OUTING TMR!! yay i think the most successful one. last time june holidays de cancelled, safra one only me, sei and jing go, and ice skating only me, jing and huiyu. haha this time got 20 + ppl! hope there will really be!! pray hard that it won't rain!!
seishea's dad is nice. that's all i have to say today. bye!!
101 '10 201 '11
Thursday, November 4, 2010 @ 9:28 PM
| 0 notes

today is the last day of sec 1 :( i will miss the awesome classroom that we have. i love it ttm! cos there is like the sun balcony thingy and we can run in the rain or play in the sun there. :(( and this also means a year has past, i'm older, and there is less time with 101! D: its like i was still brooding over the fact that pri sch has ended, and now its sec 2 life alr. JIAYOU TO 101 NEXT YEARR!
started of with class montages, personally i think 101 and 107's montages are great. cos there is like background, words, animation you know all that stuff and not just simple song with pictures. haha:) mdm teo said that we are a fun loving class! heard that she is migrating. WILL MISS YOU!
HAD BREAK, and then spring cleaning! it's not even spring. its summer. but anyway, 101 didn't really like clean it well cos they littered after cleaning the class up. haha :P nevermindd! then we played dai di, murderer, STRESS(with ahma is the best!) and heart attack. fun gamess:D i guess counted as class bonding? haha
there is CLASS OUTING TMR!! yay i think the most successful one. last time june holidays de cancelled, safra one only me, sei and jing go, and ice skating only me, jing and huiyu. haha this time got 20 + ppl! hope there will really be!! pray hard that it won't rain!!
seishea's dad is nice. that's all i have to say today. bye!!