Time Flies
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 @ 7:32 PM
| 0 notes

wow, time passes by really quickly.
the ride to cheng hui's house takes 1 hour, but it seemed like 10 mins only!!
so i wasted 2 hours of my life today taking the mrt.
and it was so hard to squeeze in!
but it was worth it:)
today went to cheng hui's house.
the haze is horrible, if you haven't noticed:D
and so our trip to ecp was cancelled cos it affects human health!
in the end, we stayed in cheng hui's house. watched spirited away and howl's moving castle.
i find pleasure in staring at howl's face. he's so awesome! :D
i think i like haku too! he's so nice! and i noticed both the male leads(haku and howl) look like GIRLS.
but they are still nice:)
anyway, we played SPEED, TIE TEE(is this how you spell it?), and CHEAT.
we slammed the table like PIAK during speed. hee and then my cards were horrible during tie tee. and and and i suck at cheat:) but still ended up 2nd or 3rd:DD
oh right, we had a super full lunch. i was bloated. CURRY RICEE! :D
then we spent like half and hour discussing about class party. they put me in charge!
on the mrt, had fun chatting with jane. and jingwen is so hot! oh we decided that every wed of the week we will go do i different sport together:D YAY YAY exercising!
i admire seishea for her courage to go fairprice herself.
Time Flies
Wednesday, October 20, 2010 @ 7:32 PM
| 0 notes

wow, time passes by really quickly.
the ride to cheng hui's house takes 1 hour, but it seemed like 10 mins only!!
so i wasted 2 hours of my life today taking the mrt.
and it was so hard to squeeze in!
but it was worth it:)
today went to cheng hui's house.
the haze is horrible, if you haven't noticed:D
and so our trip to ecp was cancelled cos it affects human health!
in the end, we stayed in cheng hui's house. watched spirited away and howl's moving castle.
i find pleasure in staring at howl's face. he's so awesome! :D
i think i like haku too! he's so nice! and i noticed both the male leads(haku and howl) look like GIRLS.
but they are still nice:)
anyway, we played SPEED, TIE TEE(is this how you spell it?), and CHEAT.
we slammed the table like PIAK during speed. hee and then my cards were horrible during tie tee. and and and i suck at cheat:) but still ended up 2nd or 3rd:DD
oh right, we had a super full lunch. i was bloated. CURRY RICEE! :D
then we spent like half and hour discussing about class party. they put me in charge!
on the mrt, had fun chatting with jane. and jingwen is so hot! oh we decided that every wed of the week we will go do i different sport together:D YAY YAY exercising!
i admire seishea for her courage to go fairprice herself.